Baptism - Northshore.Church Baptism Baptism Baptism

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Northshore Community Church

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What is Baptism?

Jesus was baptized. Since then, millions of his followers have followed his example. Baptism is a way for you to do the same and participate in a common experience with Jesus followers around the world. It is a way to go public with your faith to show others that you have started a personal relationship with Jesus. Baptism doesn't save or restore a person, it's a symbol and celebration of your faith in Jesus. It symbolizes your old life dying (going under the water) and your new life in Jesus (coming out of the water).


Why Baptism?

Baptism in the Bible

God has designed this as a way for us, His children, to be recognized on earth as belonging to Him. In Matthew 3, Jesus’ baptism is recorded as a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, who I love; with Him I am well-pleased.’ God requires those who have put their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, to be baptized. It is a command for all believers. We find these instructions in Acts 2:37-38 and Matthew 28:19; “Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Ready to take your next step?

If you’re ready to take the next step, fill out the Baptism Request Form by clicking the link below. You’ll be contacted to schedule your baptism at an upcoming baptism service. If you’d prefer to schedule a private baptism, let us know on the Baptism Request Form. If your kids are signing up to be baptized, be sure to fill out the separate Kids Baptism Request, as a class is required.

Baptism Request Kids Baptism Request


Do you baptize children?

As parents, we can help point our children to Jesus, but they are the ones to decide if they will commit their lives to Him (Romans 10:9).

Any instance of baptism follows a person’s decision to trust Jesus for his or her salvation and commitment to follow Him (Acts 10:47-48). At Northshore, we wait until children are old enough to express their own decision to follow Jesus and understand the meaning of baptism.

Is Baptism for me?

The Bible teaches that Baptism is for anyone who has personally placed their trust in Christ as their Lord and Savior. Baptism does not save or wash away our sins. It is simply an outward expression of an inward decision to trust in Christ as Savior. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, and have not yet been baptized, you should choose to be baptized as soon as you can. Notice above that the Apostles baptized the new believers that very day! Why should I be baptized? There are three Biblical reasons to be baptized:

1. Christ commands it. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus says “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (ESV)

2. Christ was our example. Matthew 3:13, “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him.”(ESV)

3. Believers in the Bible practiced it. “So those who received his word were baptized, and  there were added that day about three thousand souls.” (Acts 2:41, ESV)

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What if I am not baptized?

While baptism is not a requirement for salvation, it is an important first step of obedience to Christ.  You are missing the blessing you could have through your public identification with Him. If you have no desire to be baptized, perhaps you should ask yourself if you truly understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

The best thing for you to do as a new believer in Jesus Christ is to start out on the right step of being baptized to demonstrate your trust in Jesus Christ!  You never know who is watching and what your testimony will mean to their life!

What should I expect during a baptism service?

Everyone who is scheduled to be baptized will meet at the baptismal near the front of the stage before the start of the baptism service. You will meet a pastor or ministry leader there and they will explain where you can change your clothes and how to make your way into the waters of baptism.

Once in the water, our pastors will pray with you, then lay hands behind your head and shoulder to help you go under the water. When you come up out of the water, please know that it is fully acceptable to express your feelings. This is a very emotional time. There is nothing more beautiful than people cheering and joining in with you as you celebrate your faith in Jesus. You will then leave the water, dry off, watch and rejoice with the other people who are getting baptized. We will send you a certificate of your baptism to commemorate your commitment to Jesus.

What should I wear when I'm baptized?

Changing rooms are nearby. Bring a change of clothes, a towel, and a plastic bag for your wet clothes. We encourage women to wear shorts and a dark top with a swimsuit underneath. Men should wear shorts and dark t-shirt. Baptism is designed to draw attention to Jesus and His work in your life and that’s why we encourage people to wear the outfits listed above.

Can I be baptized together with my family members?

Of course, we encourage it! If each one of your family members has professed faith in Jesus Christ and understands the meaning of baptism, we encourage you to be baptized at the same time.

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